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  • Deception Angling Anti Tangle Sleeves
    Deception Angling Anti Tangle Sleeves

    Anti-tangle sleeves are very effective at minimizing tangles when casting by “kicking” the rig away from the mainline, in addition to pushing out your rig when settling on the lake bed, maximizing effectiveness and…

    € 4,99
  • Deception Angling Anti Tangle Sleeves TUNGSTEN
    Deception Angling Anti Tangle Sleeves TUNGSTEN

    Our Tungsten anti-tangle sleeves have all the benefits of our standard sleeves but with the added advantage of the tungsten properties, giving them extra downforce keeping everything pinned down for ultimate…

    € 4,99
  • Deception Angling Bait Screws
    Deception Angling Bait Screws

    Our plastic bait screws, being lighter than our micro swivel screws, allow for a more natural movement in the water. Simple to use, they can be used with most baits such as boilies, pop-ups, wafters, nuts, soft pellets, and most…

    € 5,99
  • Deception Angling Bait Screws 360
    Deception Angling Bait Screws 360

    Our standard plastic bait screw with a micro ring swivel insert makes for a full rotation of the mounted bait, giving the hook a faster turning ability and a more natural lie when settled on the lake bed.

    ∙ Available…

    € 5,99
  • Deception Angling Bait Screws O Ring
    Deception Angling Bait Screws O Ring

    The metal bait screw offers an alternate variation for attaching the bait directly to the hook shank when used with our shank beads or D-rig aligners. They can be used for any hook bait but come into own when used on much harder…

    € 4,99
  • Deception Angling Bait Screws Oval Ring
    Deception Angling Bait Screws Oval Ring

    The metal bait screw offers an alternate variation for attaching the bait directly to the hook shank when used with our shank beads or D-rig aligners. They can be used for any hook bait but come into own when used on much harder…

    € 4,99
  • Deception Angling Boilie Stops
    Deception Angling Boilie Stops

    These small grooved pieces of plastic, when used in conjunction with the hair loop, are designed to hold your chosen hook bait in place.

    ∙ Available in clear only
    ∙ 2 strips per pack

    € 3,99
  • Deception Angling Buffer Beads
    Deception Angling Buffer Beads

    The buffer bead is best known for its use on helicopter rigs and running rigs, as well as being a good component for the protection of links and knots. The supple and durable design allows them to be stretched over swivels, lead…

    € 4,99
  • Deception Angling Chod Beads 6mm TUNGSTEN
    Deception Angling Chod Beads 6mm TUNGSTEN

    The tungsten chod bead shares all the attributes and benefits of our standard chod beads but with the added tungsten properties. They are best used when you need to pin down your leader when fishing chod and helicopter set-ups,…

    € 4,99
  • Deception Angling Coloured Kickers
    Deception Angling Coloured Kickers

    The colored kickers provide an aggressive hooking angle to all hook patterns as well as maintaining that angle and hook in place once the fish is hooked. The added benefit of these kickers is they complement the color of your…

    € 4,99
  • Deception Angling D-Rig Line Aligners / Kicker
    Deception Angling D-Rig Line Aligners / Kicker

    ∙ Kleur: Zwart
    ∙ 10 stuks per verpakking

    € 4,99
  • Deception Angling Haak Chod Crank(CRK) MICRO BARB
    Deception Angling Haak Chod Crank(CRK) MICRO BARB

    The Chod Crank has a much wider gape than the standard Chod hook as well as an off-set hook point not only maximising hooking potential but also making ejection much more unlikely. It’s out-turned eye makes it hugely effective…

    € 4,99
  • Deception Angling Haak Chod MICRO BARB
    Deception Angling Haak Chod MICRO BARB

    The standard Chod hook features a 5° out-turned eye enabling it to sit at a more aggressive angle. The eye itself is big enough to pass a stiff rig filament through 3 times when being used for a D-rig presentation, alternatively…

    € 4,99
  • Deception Angling Haak Chod SWG MICRO BARB
    Deception Angling Haak Chod SWG MICRO BARB

    The Chod SWG has a square shaped shank and a longer straight hook point. Its longer point and wide gape maximises hooking potential and a deeper and more secure hold as well as having the benefits of our standard Chod hook.…

    € 4,99
  • Deception Angling Haak Continental X-Snag MICRO BARB
    Deception Angling Haak Continental X-Snag MICRO BARB

    Made with a super strong, heavier gauge wire, the Continental X has become very popular for anglers fishing abroad as well as being utilised on many big fish waters in the UK. They have also proved to be very beneficial when snag…

    € 4,99
  • Deception Angling Haak D-Crank (CRK) MICRO BARB
    Deception Angling Haak D-Crank (CRK) MICRO BARB

    The D – Crank pattern has a very wide gape, in-turned eye and an off-set beaked point. Its curved shank and in-turned eye give it a significantly aggressive turning and hooking potential without the need for a kicker or line…

    € 4,99
  • Deception Angling Haak D-XCurve MICRO BARB
    Deception Angling Haak D-XCurve MICRO BARB

    With the curveshank pattern being so versatile and suitable for so many rig types and fishing situations, it’s no surprise its popularity has soared over the years. The X-Curve has a naturally aggressive design providing an…

    € 4,99
  • Deception Angling Haak Long Shank MICRO BARB
    Deception Angling Haak Long Shank MICRO BARB

    Due to its extended shank, the Longshank pattern is perfect when fishing with larger hookbaits such as double boilie, maggot clips or a Snowman presentation to name a few. They are often utilised for D-rig set-ups or for use with…

    € 4,99
  • Deception Angling Haak Ronnie Rigs BARBLESS Bait Screw 3 STUKS
    Deception Angling Haak Ronnie Rigs BARBLESS Bait Screw 3 STUKS

    We’ve put together these pre-made Ronnie systems to save time on the initial set-up or if the worst happens and you have to re-tackle a rod, it will certainly speed up the process. Just add your hook link material and choice of…

    € 7,49
  • Deception Angling Haak Ronnie Rigs BARBLESS Micro Swivel 3 STUKS
    Deception Angling Haak Ronnie Rigs BARBLESS Micro Swivel 3 STUKS

    We’ve put together these pre-made Ronnie systems to save time on the initial set-up or if the worst happens and you have to re-tackle a rod, it will certainly speed up the process. Just add your hook link material and choice of…

    € 7,49
  • Deception Angling Haak Ronnie Rigs Micro Barb Bait Screw 3 STUKS
    Deception Angling Haak Ronnie Rigs Micro Barb Bait Screw 3 STUKS

    We’ve put together these pre-made Ronnie systems to save time on the initial set-up or if the worst happens and you have to re-tackle a rod, it will certainly speed up the process. Just add your hook link material and choice of…

    € 7,49
  • Deception Angling Haak Ronnie Rigs Micro Barb Micro Swivel 3 STUKS
    Deception Angling Haak Ronnie Rigs Micro Barb Micro Swivel 3 STUKS

    We’ve put together these pre-made Ronnie systems to save time on the initial set-up or if the worst happens and you have to re-tackle a rod, it will certainly speed up the process. Just add your hook link material and choice of…

    € 7,49
  • Deception Angling Haak SPC (Straight Point Chod) MICRO BARB
    Deception Angling Haak SPC (Straight Point Chod) MICRO BARB

    The straight point chod is becoming increasingly popular with our customers, with its 1° out-turned eye and dumpy point, it differs slightly to our other chod patterns but still excels in its class when fishing over weed, silt or…

    € 4,99
  • Deception Angling Haak SWG (Twister) MICRO BARB
    Deception Angling Haak SWG (Twister) MICRO BARB

    The SWG Twister is an extremely versatile hook pattern suitable for a wide range of both bottom bait and pop-up rigs. Featuring a straight point, squared shank, and a 5° in-turned eye. These attributes, along with its wide gape,…

    € 4,99
  • Deception Angling Haak TWG (Widegape With Inturned Eye) MICRO BARB
    Deception Angling Haak TWG (Widegape With Inturned Eye) MICRO BARB

    The TWG features a slightly increased in-turned eye creating a quicker turning capability. Its beaked point provides a more secure hook hold, especially when barbless is the only option. It’s a great all-rounder suitable for…

    € 4,99
  • Deception Angling Haak Widegape MICRO BARB
    Deception Angling Haak Widegape MICRO BARB

    Our standard Wide Gape hooks are another popular pattern due to their versatility and reliability. Suitable for both bottom bait set-ups and pop-up or buoyant bait presentations. Having a beaked point, they provide a more secure…

    € 4,99
  • Deception Angling Haak ZWG (Zig Hook) MICRO BARB
    Deception Angling Haak ZWG (Zig Hook) MICRO BARB

    The ZWG is a wide gape Zig hook with a slightly beaked point. Complemented by the Deception zig aligners, for when the conditions are right for the fish to be in the mid to upper layers. A great method during the colder months as…

    € 4,99
  • Deception Angling Hair Extension Stops
    Deception Angling Hair Extension Stops

    An alternative to the standard boilie stops, the extender stops allow you to increase the gap between hook and hook bait without the need to change your rig. The arrow design provides a much more secure hold in comparison to quick…

    € 3,99
  • Deception Angling Lead Clips With Tails And Pins
    Deception Angling Lead Clips With Tails And Pins

    Our lead clip systems consist of the lead clip itself, tail rubbers, and T-pegs. They are designed to be durable yet flexible in the event of you wishing to cut or trim the components to better suit your fishing circumstance. Tail…

    € 7,49
  • Deception Angling Leader lowdown
    Deception Angling Leader lowdown

    The Lowdown leaders are a tungsten/poly combination. This design allows for great casting as well as being heavy, letting them sink fast and hug the lake bed for a tidy line lay and presentation. Although heavy, they have a low…

    € 7,49
  • Deception Angling Leader Tranzlusion Fluorocarbon
    Deception Angling Leader Tranzlusion Fluorocarbon

    Made from 100% fluorocarbon, these leaders are supple and heavy sinking well and hugging the lake bottom. Due to the fluorocarbon property, our tranzlusion leaders are invisible when in water making them exceptional when fishing…

    € 7,49
  • Deception Angling Maggot Clips
    Deception Angling Maggot Clips

    Maggot clips can be a deadly addition to your rig all year round but have become extremely popular during the colder months. Once unclipped, the design allows you to mount multiple maggots. Then clip back together to secure the…

    € 4,99
  • Deception Angling Micro Ring Swivel
    Deception Angling Micro Ring Swivel

    With its compact, strong and lightweight design, the micro ring swivel has become hugely popular. Its main use being for mounting hook baits on a wide range of rigs such as the Chod rig, Ronnie rig, D-rig and German rig to name a…

    € 4,99
  • Deception Angling Mini Anti Tangle Sleeves
    Deception Angling Mini Anti Tangle Sleeves

    Anti-tangle sleeves are very effective at minimizing tangles when casting by “kicking” the rig away from the mainline, in addition to pushing out The mini anti-tangle sleeve is great for the shorter rig type and for solid bag…

    € 4,99
  • Deception Angling Naked Chod Kit TUNGSTEN
    Deception Angling Naked Chod Kit TUNGSTEN

    The Deception tungsten naked chod kit offers the optimum of concealment. The tungsten properties ensure everything is pinned down to the lake bed, minimizing the “spooking” of wary fish. The components are designed to slide…

    € 6,99
  • Deception Angling O Rig Ring 4.4 mm
    Deception Angling O Rig Ring 4.4 mm

    The round O-rings have a variety of uses such as mounting baits on certain rigs. When used in conjunction with our shank beads, they enable a natural movement of the hook bait when used on D-rig and German rig presentations as…

    € 4,99
  • Deception Angling O Ring 2mm
    Deception Angling O Ring 2mm

    The round O-rings have a variety of uses such as mounting baits on certain rigs. When used in conjunction with our shank beads, they enable a natural movement of the hook bait when used on D-rig and German rig presentations as…

    € 4,99
  • Deception Angling O Ring 3mm
    Deception Angling O Ring 3mm

    The round O-rings have a variety of uses such as mounting baits on certain rigs. When used in conjunction with our shank beads, they enable a natural movement of the hook bait when used on D-rig and German rig presentations as…

    € 4,99
  • Deception Angling Oval Rig Ring 4.5 mm
    Deception Angling Oval Rig Ring 4.5 mm

    A different variation of the round O-rings. These can be used for many rig applications when mounting a variety of bottom baits as well as buoyant and semi-buoyant baits to rigs such as the German rig, Ronnie/360° spinner rig and…

    € 4,99
  • Deception Angling Pop Up Corn
    Deception Angling Pop Up Corn

    Pop-up corn has long been popular in the range of artificial baits. They can be used on their own or alternatively as a “topper” in presentations like the Snowman rig for example. They can be very effective during the colder…

    € 3,99
  • Deception Angling Putty TUNGSTEN
    Deception Angling Putty TUNGSTEN

    Deception Tungsten putty is up there with some of the best on the market. Its super sticky, heavy yet pliable formulation benefits a multitude of rigs and adheres to most types of hooklink material. Whether being used to balance…

    € 7,49
  • Deception Angling Quick Change Ring Swivel MAAT 11
    Deception Angling Quick Change Ring Swivel MAAT 11

    Most commonly used for mounting rigs to your line or leader when fishing the Helicopter set-up, although they are a very popular component for the makeup of the Ronnie rig. The quick-change feature allows rigs to be changed…

    € 4,99
  • Deception Angling Quick Change Ring Swivel MAAT 8
    Deception Angling Quick Change Ring Swivel MAAT 8

    Most commonly used for mounting rigs to your line or leader when fishing the Helicopter set-up, although they are a very popular component for the makeup of the Ronnie rig. The quick-change feature allows rigs to be changed…

    € 4,99
  • Deception Angling Quick Change Swivel MAAT 11
    Deception Angling Quick Change Swivel MAAT 11

    Quick-change swivels are perfect for switching between rigs with minimal time and effort. They can be mounted on to your leader or mainline when fishing a helicopter set-up or alternatively on to the end of your mainline and…

    € 4,99
  • Deception Angling Quick Change Swivel MAAT 8
    Deception Angling Quick Change Swivel MAAT 8

    Quick-change swivels are perfect for switching between rigs with minimal time and effort. They can be mounted on to your leader or mainline when fishing a helicopter set-up or alternatively on to the end of your mainline and…

    € 4,99
  • Deception Angling Quick Link
    Deception Angling Quick Link

    Perfect for quickly changing rigs without the need of a quick-change swivel or re-tying knots. The sleek design enables the rig to be pulled through pva mesh and fits securely into our anti-tangle sleeves ensuring a tidy and safe…

    € 4,99
  • Deception Angling Rig Aligners
    Deception Angling Rig Aligners

    Rig aligners are perfect for using on hooks that don’t necessarily have a naturally aggressive hooking angle. Other uses include increasing the turning capability of the hook, conceal the knot and hook eye and most importantly…

    € 4,99
  • Deception Angling Rig Sinkers Tungsten
    Deception Angling Rig Sinkers Tungsten

    The tungsten rig sinkers are designed to keep the rig pinned down as well as giving the hook a downforce effect when picked up, increasing the chance of the hook setting. A great alternative to tungsten putty when being used on…

    € 3,99
    1 - 48 van 64 resultaten
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